Wednesday, June 27, 2012

didya miss me?

i know some of you did!!! cuz ya told me!!! but like i told you, i might post every day, i might not!! so today's your lucky day!!!

sometimes i've got posts running through my head. lots of them. like tonight i was driving home from work & i "wrote" the best one IN MY HEAD. and now that i'm sitting here in front of the computer, do ya think i can think of that GREAT beginning, or those scripture references to back it up? or the cute ending???


but there's hope.

hope. i like that word. it's on my pinkie ring.

i have it written on my wall.

that says: "you must believe He is faithful. don't let the days slip by in fearful doubt, no matter how long this hope is deferred."........

(sorry, when i cropped these pictures, i couldn't for anything make them bigger!!)

i found some cute letters in the dollar bin at michael's -- i got h.o.p.e.

i've got hope.

i'm workin' on patience.

i've gotta get over jealousy.

more on that in a future post!

take care &

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