Monday, June 27, 2011

the simple life

for the past few months, since i got sick, i've been really trying to simplify my life.   boy do i have a LONG way to go!!!!!!   i've got entirely too much junk!!  i want to get rid of things, but i'm finding i'm really attached to my stuff.  i've got a lot of work to do - in my house & in my heart.  i need to let go.  i need to stop telling myself "but that cost x$ & if i get rid of it, i'll have to pay xx$ to replace it if i need it."   i need to tell myself "if i have had it all these years & haven't used it, i probably won't use it in the next few years either!!"  

 i think i've got to clean my heart out first.......

i know someone who has NOTHING in her house except for 2 beds, a kitchen table & 4 chairs (she might not even have 4 chairs, she might only have 2 chairs, come to think of it!!!), a tv & tv stand, & some clothing.  i don't think i could go THAT SIMPLE!!!!! 
really makes me see how blessed i am. 

or spoiled. 

or selfish.

God, clean my heart.

when i decorate, i usually keep the same stuff in the same place forever.......well, you get to a point that you're so used to seeing something that after awhile you don't "see" it anymore. 

that's how i am in my house, so i decided to change up the fireplace mantel.

the fireplace mantel a few weeks ago:

changed to this:
not a real big change, but just a little "lighter" for the summer.
(& no, it didn't take a whole hour to do that!!!  i got busy with something else & forgot to take the picture!!!!!)

 saw this cute idea on one of the decorating blogs i read; goes PERFECT with my mason jar collection!!!
you put pictures in mason jars!!!  the one on the left is me when i was about 4 or 5; the one on the right is my dad when he was about 4 or 5 with his grandma.    i love this idea!!!!

well, i need to go put clean sheets on the bed.............& then get in it!  too bad it's not raining!!!

be blessed - my dirty heart is!!!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Thanks for this post too! You are inspiring me to clean out some of the stuff that is taking up space in my closets and cupboards that I haven't used in a while and probably won't. And I needed the reminder that I need to "detach" myself from things that are just "stuff", no matter how sentimental.