Thursday, June 30, 2011

my new wheels!!

i got 6 new wheels!!
here are 4 of them:

judy gave me the little red wagon!!!!   now i need to go buy some plants to put in it & find the perfect place for it......don't know if i'll put it in "texas" or "the virgin islands" -????

here are the other 2:

i bought a new bike!!!

and it's very "virgin islandy"! 

 i stopped at walmart yesterday after prayer meeting for something else & all of a sudden i found myself in the bike section!!!  i saw this baby & the next thing i knew it, i was standing in the checkout line with her!!!!

i haven't had a bike since the kids were little.  when grant was a baby i rode him all over on the back of my bike.  when suzanne was little it was too hard to ride with her because grant wasn't real good on a bike because of his balance problems.  i couldn't go slow enough to keep up with him & i couldn't go fast enough to balance suzanne on the back of the bike, so we just didn't bother.  a friend wanted a bike so i sold it to her.  i've wanted a bike for a long time, but never saw the one i wanted!

i wanted an old fashioned looking bike with big chunky tires & there she was!!!!!  i'll have to think of a virgin islandy name for her!!!!  i love the "retro" colors, pale yellow & green & the "wood" trim & handle bar grippers!  the leather carrier case & water bottle holder are pretty cool too!

i can't ride it in the virgin islands though ---- but i've been all over the neighborhood with it. 

i have muscles in my legs that i forgot i had!!!!

i figured i could work on my tan & some exercise at the same time!!!!

ok, now for the "be a blessing" story:

a new "hobby" of mine is reading blogs--i like the ones that are written by people about my age, the simple life, country life, decorating, crafty ones.  there are a bunch that i read daily - they're like visiting friends.  a bunch of us all read each other's blogs & after awhile you get to really think of these ladies as friends. 

have you noticed that i usually end my posts with "be blessed -- i am!" ?  well, one of the bloggers wrote about me on her blog a couple days ago without even knowing that she was writing about me!!!  she wrote about "those bloggers" that end their posts with "be blessed" -- "that's all well & good, but they should write "be a blessing" because we're ALL blessed! "

i commented on her blog that she has written about me--- well, she read my blog & commented on a post i wrote.  it's really nice when these "new friends" care about what's going on in your life.  thanks for the words of encouragement, sandra!  i had a much better day today. 

please pray for another of my blogger friends, brenda.  she lives in east texas & is having a really rough time.  i've commented on her blog a lot.  she has really inspired me in several areas of my life.  i hope to meet her in person some day.  she's very talented in the writing, decorating, gardening departments.  she's one of those "i want to be you when i grow up" people!!!!


so, i'll probably still sometimes say "be blessed", but more importantly, we should all

be a blessing!!!!

p.s.  had another fantastic proverbs31woman devotional again today!!!!  God is SOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!   

oh---i almost forgot all about this:   yesterday on the way home from work i almost died.  seriously!!   i was stopped at a red light & while waiting i was reading something for VBS.  the light turned green & instead of immediately going, i paused to put the papers i was reading on the seat beside me.  i looked up to go & a SEMI truck & trailer  ROARED through the intersection!!!!!  he was going super fast & ran the red light!  if i had taken off 2 seconds earlier, he would have creamed me & i'd be sitting at Jesus' feet right was pretty scarey!  (but now that i think of it, sitting at the feet of Jesus would be a very good thing!!!!!  i'm a wimp about the whole accident/pain thing, but i'm sure the pain would have been over in an instant sitting at THOSE FEET.......!!)  made me realize how quickly our lives could be over & done with!  we've got to be sure we're living them right so we can answer to Him positively......

be a blessing.....i'm trying to be!!!!

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