Wednesday, February 9, 2011

what do ya do when ya .......

......go to bed at 11:30pm & wake up at 3:00am??????????

first you pray --- you have a really beautiful, really intense talk with God.

then you get up & make "dirty rice" for your lunch because you're tired of tuna & yogurt for lunch everyday! (& it'll probably be dinner "today" too!!) (notice the time on the clock!!!)

while that's cooking, you go make some cards for some special boys in your life. (we'll be making that skateboarder card this sunday at stamp camp!!! it's so cool!! at least i think so!!!

then you go update your blog & check emails & find you have a couple more things to pray for......(but that's a good thing!!)

then you look at the clock & it says 6:00 & you think "how can 3 hours go by so quickly NOW, but in the middle of the day they seem to drag so slowly?"

oh i dread 3:00 this afternoon!!!!! hopefully i won't be asleep at my desk then!!! somebody call me then to be sure!!!!!!!

well, hopefully i'll see some of you sunday at stamp camp! have a blessed day --mine's been blessed so far!!!!!!

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