Saturday, September 13, 2014

makin' some changes

so, all these weeks & months have flown by!!! i am so amazed when friday gets here. seems like it was just LAST friday & here it is friday AGAIN! i just wish the weekends wouldn't fly by as quickly!!!! what have i been doing? makin' lots of changes!!!

i'm sick & tired of my life & my body. i'm tired of not eating anything but salad & still not losing weight. & i eat GOOD salads, with those "good, healthy greens" & chicken or other lean meat or hard boiled eggs. i don't put croutons on my salads. but my body thinks it's starving. it goes into "survival mode" & says "we're gonna hang on to EVERY SINGLE calorie & we'll even make calories out of things that have NO calories -- like water!" "and no matter how much water you drink or what pills your dr. gives you, we're going to make you retain water & turn it all into FAT! So There!" i'm tired of having a body that doesn't make insulin at all so i have to take shots (which makes you retain/gain weight). i'm tired of pharmaceutical companies that give my dr. samples of medicines to pass out along with a list of side effects that are worse than the disease itself! i'm tired of a dr. that doesn't do anything except tell me my blood test #'s, listen to me complain about not losing weight & say, "here, let's try THIS medicine & i'll see you in 3 months." i'm convinced that drs. don't want you to get well. they want your money more than they want you well.

the last time i went to my dr we had a big argument! i was having so many side effects from the medicines he was giving me & i was very unhappy. i left his office basically saying "i'll show you!!! i'm gonna do this MY way now & in 3 months when i come back, i'll show you that MY way is better than all your stupid drugs!"


i talked to my friend s who's a nurse & who has celiac disease, amongst other things, so she eats a special diet --- & we came up with a vitamin & mineral plan to supplement the insulin i take & i decided not to take the other medicines. i was also going to revamp my eating habits & be accountable to her by writing down everything i ate. i've also totally cut out bread, gluten, wheat products, dairy (except for some cheeses because the carbs/glucose content in cheese is lower than milk - go figure! but i already knew that, so i had already cut out dairy a long time ago & i had already cut out sugar). i've cheated in the carbs area though sometimes. i was still eating SOME bread but NOW i've cut it TOTALLY OUT! no bread, no pizza, no tortillas or chips with mexican food......and i have had only 1 diet dr. pepper in 3 weeks!!!!! haven't even been drinking a lot of tea --- water with lemons or limes is my drink of choice!!!

the 1st week i lost 5 lbs. - i think a lot of it was water weight. i was also craving vegetables & looked online for some recipes. while there i found a recipe for cauliflower pizza crust. on the friday night of the 1st week i was having some ladies from church over for dinner & a movie & everyone was going to bring something. 1 of the girls was bringing pizza & i was bummed because susan & i COULDN'T eat pizza. i was thinking i'd be eating a boring salad once again.

WELL!!! i made the cauliflower crust pizza on wednesday night -- all i had was sauce & cheese. but it was good!!!! so friday night i made it again & browned up some ground turkey with some seasonings to make it taste like sausage (without all the fat of sausage!), threw that on with some onions & green, yellow, red peppers & some mozerella cheese. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!! all the ladies tried it - they said they liked it (but i seriously think they liked the traditional bread crust pizza better, but i was in HEAVEN!!!!! one pretty good sized piece was all it took to fill me up (but not give me that "ohmygoshiatetoomuch" feeling). and then i ate it for breakfast the next morning & lunch & dinner & breakfast on sunday!!!!! it actually got better as the days went on. and you can make a huge pizza in less time than it takes to call & order one & have it delivered --- for WAY CHEAPER too!!! the recipe is on my pinterest board "lose weight by eating" if you're interested. (i hope you will -- it'll change your life!!!!)

i've done a lot of reading on the "paleo" way of eating -- it's not a diet, it's a way of eating. i'm eating totally gluten free. no bread. no tortillas. i eat "sandwiches" & tacos with lettuce wraps.

turkey burger wrapped in lettuce

and i haven't cheated one single time!!!!! another friend of mine at church & i are cooking together & making meals we can freeze or package to take to work & have on hand at home so we're not eating junk, or in my case not eating at all. he's doing it to eat better. he doesn't need to lose any weight. i'm doing it to get my metabolism & body back in shape. years of working in the bookstore & missing meals or not eating enough has wreaked havoc on my system. i've read a couple books on detoxing your body & i'm in the process of doing that. i won't go into the details of THAT!!!!!!

another major thing i've been doing is walking. i had been walking with geronimo in the evenings but it was easy to not do it when i had worked late or gone to the nursing home after work to see grandma & papa or whatever else excuse i could come up with. i've found that i need someone to be committed to to make me do things. i've committed to susan to eating better & taking vitamins & supplements; i've committed to brandt to cook better. susan's son does a Navy Seal bootcamp workout with a bunch of guys (& a couple girls) every morning at 5:30 am in memorial park. susan & her husband walk in the park while sam's doing bootcamp. and now i have committed to them to walk with them every morning. we've done it for a whole week now & i take geronimo -- he absolutely loves it!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i can see a big difference in his demeanor. he's a very sweet dog & i'm glad i've got him. and he's a very intelligent dog -- he can tell time!!! he knows exactly when 4:15 am is & he starts to bark at that time. (he didn't used to do that!!!!) now he's telling me, "come on, time to get up & go walking!!" and it turns out that i have another friend from work who does the bootcamp, so she & i are committed to getting up & going!!!

it's been 6 weeks & i can see a difference. it's gonna take some time. i'm gonna stick with it. i'm committed to several people to do this! i need that accountability. my body's adjusting. my muscles are getting stronger & i can see changes in my body. i have a pair of "BK jeans" (before kids jeans) that give me encouragement. they're a size 6 and they used to be my favorite jeans to go dancing in!!! i may not ever get back into them again, but i'm gonna try!!!!!!

i'm gonna show my dr!!!!!!

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