hello beadboard!
i've updated the dining room! with the homedepot gift card the guys at work gave me a few weeks ago i ordered beadboard wallpaper. i've wanted to do beadboard in the dining room forever but have you checked the price of real wood beadboard???? ex.pen.sive. i checked out the martha stewart beadboard wallpaper on line & read all the reviews about it & decided that was the way to go.
the cows & green checked wallpaper have been up for many years -- i can't even remember how long. probably close to 12 years or so! it's been through a lot - including a friend's 4 year old son who drew a red X with a sharpie marker on EVERY single cow!!! thank goodness for those mr. clean sponges --what are they called? i can't for the life of me think of what they're called!!!! oh yeah! mr. clean magic erasers!!! when i saw what he had done it was MAGIC that i didn't choke him!!!!!! i banned him from ever coming to my house again though! (he also put bug killer in my peanut butter. that kid couldn't be left alone for a minute. shoot! he could do something bad right in front of you without you realizing what he was doing!!!)
but getting back to the dining room.............
so i took down the old wallpaper & border on a saturday night (the package from home depot came on friday). after ripping that 1st piece of cow border off, there was no going back!!!
sunday afternoon i put up the new beadboard wallpaper. it was soooo easy! it wasn't prepasted so i rolled paste onto the wall with a paint roller. so easy! i'll never do the water mess kind again! this wallpaper is sort of "foamy" with the board grooves indented in, so it's different from regular paper wallpaper.
then it was time to put up the chair rail moulding. i don't know how i get myself into these predicaments! i started to put up the moulding -- 1st pieces no problem. then i came to the corner & had to do a 45 degree angle. got out the mitre box & cut a 45 degree angle. wrong!!!! there are 2 types a 45 degree angles. the wrong one & the beveled one. i needed the beveled one! there was no way i could cut the beveled angle. the wood was too wide for the mitre box & there was no way i could hold the circular saw with the plate on an angle AND hold the board (on the dining room table that i was using for my "saw horse" -- i put my quilting mat on the table to protect it though!!!) all by myself.
i prayed outloud "God, i can't do this myself. why do i get in these projects where i need a man to help & i have no man? God, i need a man!"
just then, suzanne & her boyfriend justin & his friend jacob & his girlfriend nicole walked in!!! i said "thank you God for sending me 2 men!!!"
the boys helped me do one side & i fed them pizza for dinner. (they had got there around 9pm & it was almost 11 by the time
so they came over monday after work &
i still have my large cow pictures on the window seat & my cross-stitched cow hanging on the wall.
it looks like a country farm house dining room now, not "grandma bessy's parlor"!!!!
what a difference between the old & the new!!!!! another of those "why did it take me so long to do this" projects!!!!
i took one of those quizzes on facebook that's supposed to tell you what kind of a house you should be living in.........guess what i got?!
yup! a FARMHOUSE!!!!! what else??!!!!! i have another "farmhouse project" i want to do - i'm getting anxious to do it!!!! maybe later this summer........ but i need a man with a circular saw......anyone know one?! (i do, but i don't think he wants to help.)
and tonight i thought of ANOTHER project for this summer!!!!! not gonna be able to do it til after june though.........maybe......!!!!