I've been everywhere, man.
I've been everywhere, man.
Crossed the desert's bare, man.
I've breathed the mountain air, man.
Of travel I've had my share, man.
I've been everywhere."
i've been to houston, dallas, arlington, fort worth, colleyville, irving, euless, midlothian, waxahatchie, waco, MARLIN!!!! bryan, college station, hempstead, houston, man, & a few little towns in between!!! & that was just this weekend!!!!
and i got to see all my friends, man!!!
of course, there was my new friend, officer grote, in marlin. but i honestly can say i hope to NEVER see HIM again!!!
friday suzanne had to get up early to go to work. i went to see her....she's working on campus in the prayer ministry. she has her own office! & it's bigger than mine!!!! and she GETS PAID to PRAY!!!!!!
i like the picture of her "boss" on the wall!!!!
i spent the rest of the day with my friend judy in colleyville. judy's got a terrific craft room!!!
and she makes the BEST projects!!!
i've gotta find an old suitcase & make one of these!!!!!
we had lunch at a little tea room in an antique mall where we had a long, leisurely lunch & talked & talked & talked & laughed & even cried. then we walked around the antique mall for HOURS!!! we talked & laughed & thought of "projects" & got some ideas for things. judy found the cutest little antique kids' chair that she needs for a class she's taking at one of her scrapbooking places. judy makes the BEST projects at these classes so i can't wait to see what they do with these chairs. i told her to send me pictures, so you can be sure they'll end up here!
i found a sickle!!!!!! but i didn't get it because it was $50 & that was just a little too high priced for the shape it was in. the blade was pretty bad & i'm sure it could be sharpened, but $50 was out of my price range. it would have looked cute hanging on the fence in the backyard, but not for $50.
friday evening suzanne & i went to arlington to my friend sandra's home where we had pizza & watched the opening ceremony of the olympics. sandra & i used to work together & she was my maid of honor at my 1st wedding. i think it'd be neat if she could be my maid of honor at my last wedding. the 1st one was a practice run for both of us!!! we'll get it right this time!!!!
when we got back to the apartment, we had gotten our "2nd wind" so we rearranged the furniture in the living room. suzanne is going to have 4 other roommates when school starts. she has a recliner she bought at goodwill & 2 endtables that used to be ours. one of the girls has a big leather loveseat. another has a bookshelf & a coffee table & another of the girls is bringing a sofa when she comes in a couple weeks. we rearranged everything so it's ready for the sofa to "drop into place." it's hard arranging a ton of big furniture in a little tiny space, but i think it's going to work very well. forgot to take "before" pics, but here's the "after"....
that mirror belonged to suzanne's grandmother. suzanne "borrowed" it from her dad's house! it's got years of dirt & dust, but suzanne refuses to clean it! she wants to keep "grandma's dust" on it for sentimental reasons!!!!! oh brother!!!!!!!
funny story about the curtains: one belongs to suzanne & one belongs to her roommate kathleen. they each had the exact same single panel & never even knew each other til the end of may!!!!! kathleen's graduating in december - wonder if she'll take her curtain when she leaves?!?!?!!
now that i see these pictures, i should have taken better ones!!!!!! guess i'll just have to go back!!!!
we watched a movie & talked & stayed up til almost 2 am!
i'll be back tomorrow with tales about our saturday adventures!!!