please pray for my highschool friend max baer & his wife nancy. max has been putting up a strong fight against cancer but we've received word that he has contracted pneumonia & is on a breathing tube & is really struggling. the doctor's have not given much hope, but we all know that OUR HOPE IS IN JESUS & GOD IS IN CONTROL & GOD IS A WORKER OF MIRACLES.
max IS a survivor - he will survive, one way or the other, but please pray that it might be God's will to use this as a way to draw many to Him.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
more writing on the wall!!
i have wanted to write colossians 3:12 - 17 on the ledge in the living room forever. but i was worried that i would mess it up while writing it, so i kept putting it off.
well, the other night i took the plunge!!!! i was going to write it big, across the whole ledge, but then decided to write it small so i could write more verses if i wanted to!!!!! suzanne said tonight, "every time you turn around, another verse pops up on the wall!!"
and wouldn't you know it, the one thing that i have the biggest problem with is the one thing that i messed up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
patieence. patience. (it's an ugly word, when you look at it for a long time!!!!)
i think that happened on purpose - a "God-incidence" - just so God could teach me a lesson! suzanne also said tonight, "if you had had patience when you were writing it, you might not have messed up!!"
(who asked her?!)
here's another - i've always loved this verse. i used to have it written on an index card that i kept on the window sill above my kitchen sink. it was really ratty so i threw it away. i wish i had kept it. dang! i'll have to write another............
this verse always helped me when the kids were little & i had to do everything myself. (what am i talking about, when they were little????? i STILL have to do everything myself!!!!!)
i've had that sign since they were little too!!!! i don't think anyone reads it but me!!!!!!!!
and speaking of signs, a couple i have got a makeover! and suzanne's doing a project!!! like mother, like daughter!!!! (she'll LOVE that!!!!!) i'll show you tomorrow!
be blessed - hug someone you love!!!
well, the other night i took the plunge!!!! i was going to write it big, across the whole ledge, but then decided to write it small so i could write more verses if i wanted to!!!!! suzanne said tonight, "every time you turn around, another verse pops up on the wall!!"
and wouldn't you know it, the one thing that i have the biggest problem with is the one thing that i messed up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think that happened on purpose - a "God-incidence" - just so God could teach me a lesson! suzanne also said tonight, "if you had had patience when you were writing it, you might not have messed up!!"
(who asked her?!)
here's another - i've always loved this verse. i used to have it written on an index card that i kept on the window sill above my kitchen sink. it was really ratty so i threw it away. i wish i had kept it. dang! i'll have to write another............
this verse always helped me when the kids were little & i had to do everything myself. (what am i talking about, when they were little????? i STILL have to do everything myself!!!!!)
i've had that sign since they were little too!!!! i don't think anyone reads it but me!!!!!!!!
and speaking of signs, a couple i have got a makeover! and suzanne's doing a project!!! like mother, like daughter!!!! (she'll LOVE that!!!!!) i'll show you tomorrow!
be blessed - hug someone you love!!!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
you just never know
this is my 2nd post tonight, but i just HAD to write this tonight. because you just never know.
my sister's ex brother in law was killed in a car crash this morning. he had been at his mother's house & she wanted him to stay for lunch. he said no, he'd better get home because it was starting to snow. she hugged & kissed him & told him to call her when he got home & off he went.
he never called her & she began to get worried. she called her daughter in law who hadn't heard from him & said he wasn't home yet. then she heard about an accident on the police scanner & she "just knew" it was him.
how sad for a mother to lose a child - even a 58 year old child - 2 days after christmas.
you just never know. none of us knows when the Lord will call us.
so hug & kiss your kids & loved ones when they leave. kiss your mom even if you don't want to. have lunch with someone when they ask you to. don't be so busy that you can't take the time to be with someone. spend time with someone.
you just never know. it might be the last lunch you eat. it might be the last hug you give.
i don't know if this man was a believer. i don't know if he's in heaven or hell right now. it's too late for him. but not for you. do YOU know the Lord as your personal savior? if that had been you in that car, would you be in heaven or hell right now? it's not enough to just know who God is, you've got to give your life to him, accept that He gave His life for you, confess your sins to Him, ask His forgiveness, make Him Lord of your life. and then live everyday with Him. have a relationship with Him.
because you just never know..............................
(if you're not sure & need to talk more about this, please get in touch with me. leave a comment here, call me, email me, facebook me............just don't wait!)
my sister's ex brother in law was killed in a car crash this morning. he had been at his mother's house & she wanted him to stay for lunch. he said no, he'd better get home because it was starting to snow. she hugged & kissed him & told him to call her when he got home & off he went.
he never called her & she began to get worried. she called her daughter in law who hadn't heard from him & said he wasn't home yet. then she heard about an accident on the police scanner & she "just knew" it was him.
how sad for a mother to lose a child - even a 58 year old child - 2 days after christmas.
you just never know. none of us knows when the Lord will call us.
so hug & kiss your kids & loved ones when they leave. kiss your mom even if you don't want to. have lunch with someone when they ask you to. don't be so busy that you can't take the time to be with someone. spend time with someone.
you just never know. it might be the last lunch you eat. it might be the last hug you give.
i don't know if this man was a believer. i don't know if he's in heaven or hell right now. it's too late for him. but not for you. do YOU know the Lord as your personal savior? if that had been you in that car, would you be in heaven or hell right now? it's not enough to just know who God is, you've got to give your life to him, accept that He gave His life for you, confess your sins to Him, ask His forgiveness, make Him Lord of your life. and then live everyday with Him. have a relationship with Him.
because you just never know..............................
(if you're not sure & need to talk more about this, please get in touch with me. leave a comment here, call me, email me, facebook me............just don't wait!)
my favorite christmas book
christmas is over. it was a relaxing time with the focus on Jesus. & family. i liked it.
i love this book. i used to read it to the kids ... a few years ago....when they were little.
this year i read it to myself.
four times!!! & i'll probably read it at least one more time before i put it away!
it's about a sad, lonely old widower who eventually finds the true meaning of christmas - love.
if you can, get ahold of a copy & read it!! or come over & i'll read it to you!!!
well, i've got some things to do --- a friend who lives in arlington is coming for the weekend!!!! we've stayed in touch every year, but haven't seen each other in 21 years!!!! she'll be here from thursday night til sunday & i don't have to work friday, so it's gonna be a terrific weekend!!! i can't believe it's been 21 years since she was last here. i remember exactly what we did the last time she was here!!!
we bought this oil painting at a craft show at west oaks mall:
makes me think of her everytime i look at it.
i haven't been to a mall in for-ev-er. wonder if there's a craft show at west oaks this weekend?! we just might have to go check it out!
it's gonna be a great weekend! we're having a year-end prayer meeting & game night at church saturday night, then some time with other friends on sunday after church.
i can't wait for thursday night to get here!!!
be blessed!!!
i love this book. i used to read it to the kids ... a few years ago....when they were little.
(he's cute!)
this year i read it to myself.
four times!!! & i'll probably read it at least one more time before i put it away!
it's about a sad, lonely old widower who eventually finds the true meaning of christmas - love.
if you can, get ahold of a copy & read it!! or come over & i'll read it to you!!!
well, i've got some things to do --- a friend who lives in arlington is coming for the weekend!!!! we've stayed in touch every year, but haven't seen each other in 21 years!!!! she'll be here from thursday night til sunday & i don't have to work friday, so it's gonna be a terrific weekend!!! i can't believe it's been 21 years since she was last here. i remember exactly what we did the last time she was here!!!
we bought this oil painting at a craft show at west oaks mall:
makes me think of her everytime i look at it.
i haven't been to a mall in for-ev-er. wonder if there's a craft show at west oaks this weekend?! we just might have to go check it out!
it's gonna be a great weekend! we're having a year-end prayer meeting & game night at church saturday night, then some time with other friends on sunday after church.
i can't wait for thursday night to get here!!!
be blessed!!!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
merry christmas from the virgin islands!!!!
that was the temp the other day!
and this is today, christmas morning:
my canning jar lid wreath that i made for myself!! i saw one on "funky junk interiors" blog. can't wait til it gets all crusty & rusty!!!!!
merry christmas, y'all!!!!
this wreath was one of my favorite craft projects this year - easy, cute, practically free!!! so i'm linking to: funky junk's favorite projects
this wreath was one of my favorite craft projects this year - easy, cute, practically free!!! so i'm linking to: funky junk's favorite projects
Saturday, December 24, 2011
i'm not stressed out!!!!
it's christmas eve!!! i did bake christmas cookies friday afternoon & gave them to friends & neighbors!! it was a blessing. & on sunday miss amy is getting her plate of blessings!!
there are about 6 people i missed on the christmas card list.
i have 4 friends that i intended to make gifts for, those "ideas i've had in my head since april".
i probably won't make 6 more christmas cards.
i probably won't sew those 4 gifts until....? ...i might get them done sometime in the next year, but it probably won't be in this year!
if those 6 people get mad at me because they didn't get a card, too bad!
if those 4 friends get upset because i don't give them a gift, too bad!!
i have a couple small gifts for each of my kids.
if they get mad because they don't get more, too bad!!! (& i'm happy to say, i don't think they will get mad!!!)
this christmas my focus is on Jesus & loving Him.
i am in love with Him & i have no room for stress!!
this is one of my most favorite nativities, but i might not have it for long.
i keep it on my kitchen counter all year long.
this plate is a special plate that i "won" several years ago at a christmas party in that "gift exchange/steal game". then the next year i "lost" it. & the next couple years i didn't get it, but last year i got it again!!! now it's time for another party & there's a good chance i'll lose it again.
i'm gonna FIGHT for this plate!!!!
well, i'd better get some sleep - we're going to grandma's today!!!!
have a blessed christmas eve!!!
(one of my friends pointed out yesterday that yesterday was "christmas adam"
you know--- because he came before eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's a good one, nancy!!!!)
p.s. i've had several emails from people thanking me for yesterday's post. it was a hard one to write, but very necessary. i hesitated posting it, but prayed about it a lot & really felt that i should do it. i'm not the only one "suffering" from this. satan is very smart & he's knows exactly how to attack us women - whether single or married. makes it all the more necessary to be close to God so He can protect us. makes it all the more necessary for us as women to be in tune with each other & really work on our friendships so we can encourage each other. what's the verse that says, don't be surprised at the trials you are facing, your brothers in all the world are going through the same thing?? (i've gotta find that verse, )
i've gotta learn more scripture so that i'll know exactly where to find it when i need it. i'm gonna work on that!
and just so you'll know --- friday's devotion was in perfect alignment with my prayer the night before!!!!!!!! i had thanked God for my home, my home that was warm & dry from the rain that was happening outside. i told God i always want my home to be a place where i can show people His love. perfect alignmnet!!! go to and look up yesterday's devotional.
it's such a "God-incidence"!!!
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....what should i pray for tonight? how about how thankful i am that He sent Jesus to ME. & how He loved ME enough.
yes, He loves me ENOUGH.
that's all i need.
i'm so blessed!
there are about 6 people i missed on the christmas card list.
i have 4 friends that i intended to make gifts for, those "ideas i've had in my head since april".
i probably won't make 6 more christmas cards.
i probably won't sew those 4 gifts until....? ...i might get them done sometime in the next year, but it probably won't be in this year!
if those 6 people get mad at me because they didn't get a card, too bad!
if those 4 friends get upset because i don't give them a gift, too bad!!
i have a couple small gifts for each of my kids.
if they get mad because they don't get more, too bad!!! (& i'm happy to say, i don't think they will get mad!!!)
this christmas my focus is on Jesus & loving Him.
i am in love with Him & i have no room for stress!!
this is one of my most favorite nativities, but i might not have it for long.
i keep it on my kitchen counter all year long.
this plate is a special plate that i "won" several years ago at a christmas party in that "gift exchange/steal game". then the next year i "lost" it. & the next couple years i didn't get it, but last year i got it again!!! now it's time for another party & there's a good chance i'll lose it again.
i'm gonna FIGHT for this plate!!!!
well, i'd better get some sleep - we're going to grandma's today!!!!
have a blessed christmas eve!!!
(one of my friends pointed out yesterday that yesterday was "christmas adam"
you know--- because he came before eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's a good one, nancy!!!!)
p.s. i've had several emails from people thanking me for yesterday's post. it was a hard one to write, but very necessary. i hesitated posting it, but prayed about it a lot & really felt that i should do it. i'm not the only one "suffering" from this. satan is very smart & he's knows exactly how to attack us women - whether single or married. makes it all the more necessary to be close to God so He can protect us. makes it all the more necessary for us as women to be in tune with each other & really work on our friendships so we can encourage each other. what's the verse that says, don't be surprised at the trials you are facing, your brothers in all the world are going through the same thing?? (i've gotta find that verse, )
i've gotta learn more scripture so that i'll know exactly where to find it when i need it. i'm gonna work on that!
and just so you'll know --- friday's devotion was in perfect alignment with my prayer the night before!!!!!!!! i had thanked God for my home, my home that was warm & dry from the rain that was happening outside. i told God i always want my home to be a place where i can show people His love. perfect alignmnet!!! go to and look up yesterday's devotional.
it's such a "God-incidence"!!!
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....what should i pray for tonight? how about how thankful i am that He sent Jesus to ME. & how He loved ME enough.
yes, He loves me ENOUGH.
that's all i need.
i'm so blessed!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
i'm kickin' that man out!!!
(are the proverbs31woman devotional writers peeking in my windows???)
(& i'm sorry there are no pictures in this post --- blogger isn't letting me upload tonight either ......last night, no problem, night before & tonight, problem....????!!!!)
anyhow........this has been on my mind...................
i've been living with someone & he's not good for me. (i'll bet THAT got your attention!!!)
i need to kick him out. i keep trying, but he either won't go or he leaves for a short time & then comes back.
tuesday morning on the way to work i was talking to God about it. how i just can't take it anymore. tuesday night i was praying to God about it. telling Him i was having a really hard time with it. and it's christmas time now & that makes it worse.
part of me wants to let him stay until the new year - it's only 1 week away afterall. that would give me time to get all his junk out. the other part of me says, NO - GO & GO NOW!
and then i got up yesterday & he was still here. i heard something on the radio--someone has been praying for the same thing i've been praying for, only her prayer was answered very quickly after she started praying it & mine has still not been answered & it made me mad & jealous & envious & i wanted to yell at him & tell him i was sick of him (but suzanne & sarah were in the other room & i didn't want to cause a scene).
i got ready for work quickly & had time to turn on the computer. i specifically had an urge to read my p31w devotional before i got to work. (i usually don't turn the computer on in the morning at home.) i think that was God leading me.....
i read the first few lines & i knew she was talking about the man in my life.
the "man" in my life is Loneliness. he's with me all the time. i try really hard to hide him from others. i can be in a crowd of 4, 10, 25, or 100's of people & he's right there with me. just this past weekend after the christmas dinner at church i was driving home thinking about "him"--how i had just spent 4 hours with lots of people - people i love & who i'm sure love me (at least i hope so, but sometimes i wonder!!) - & felt like i was on an island all by myself. everyone "had" someone. everyone was talking to someone. i was busy. i had no one & wasn't really talking to anyone. oh, i talked to people, but it was empty talk. at least i felt that way. because "he" made me feel that way.
something a friend wrote in a birthday card to me this year actually made me cry. she wrote: "you always cheer me & everyone with your Godly sweet attitude - many times you're hurting inside, yet hide it well." i must have cried for 5 minutes after reading that, because it's true.
so this "man" has got to leave my life, leave my house, leave me, leave me alone!!!!! satan has got to realize that i belong to Jesus & there's no room for the 3 of us here!!! he's gonna try to stick around. he's gonna hang out outside my doors & windows & try to get in. but i've gotta trust Jesus & know that HE is stronger than him. i've gotta focus on God, but i'm still gonna continue to pray for what i've been praying for. look how long abraham waited for a son. look how long the israelites wandered in the wilderness. and there are many more examples of people who patiently waited for God to act. and God always did.
i just don't want to wait 40 years, God!
so loneliness needs to take a hike & take his friends "envy" & "jealousy" with him!!
here's the devotional, in case you want to read it...................
December 21, 2011
All By Myself
Samantha Reed
“My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare. Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.” Psalm 25:15-16 (NIV)
Don’t look his way, my heart and mind insist. I don’t want to look. Then again, I do. Though I did not check the “Plus One” box on my RSVP card, I wish I had. I wish I hadn’t come alone. Maybe then I wouldn’t gravitate to him.
He’s reckless and destructive. I know better, but he’s the only one who can relate to me. Even so, I avoid eye contact; I must trick him to believe she doesn’t need me anymore. I succeed, until another joined-at-the-hip couple walks into the holiday party. My resolve walks out. He walks up to me, extends a knowing hand. Fingers entwine, I fall in his snare. My stomach lurches. I hate him. I hate Loneliness.
I hate feeling alone and attending life all by myself. We float from couple to couple. Each marriage, baby, holiday, life-is-grand story runs together like mud. The mud Loneliness slings my way: You’ll never have this. You’ll be lonely forever. I can’t look at their joy. Instead I turn my eyes to him as I mutter repeatedly through my clinched jaw and cinched heart: Do. Not. Cry.
A deep breath holds back the lonely tears, the lonely years, the lonely fears.
His cruelty seeps in my pores as we make our way from conversation to conversation. Christmas carols in the background promise it’s the best time of the year and tell tales of sleigh rides taken with loved ones. Lovely sentiments, but they make me feel even more alone in a crowded room. How can two hours feel like thirty years?
By the time the clock chimes an acceptable hour to bid my goodbyes, I’m eager to be gone. One step out the door and I lower my guard too soon. Loneliness has saved his best for last. Powerfully, he beats me down with lies until I believe: I will always be all-by-myself.
Then Loneliness walks off; leaves me there, ironically, alone.
Compassionately, a different hand reaches down. One that is gentle and healing. Let me help you up. Rough night, huh? I look up to see His scared hand extended. How’d You know I was here? He tells me He’s been there the whole time, always near. And even though He knows, He asks for details, dreams, despairs. We talk until I can hear His assurances over the barrage of Loneliness’ discouragement.
Hollow parts of my heart fill with the lavish warmth of Jesus’ courage. Truth soldiers through my thoughts, throwing shields up against the deception. And I know Loneliness can’t be my “Plus One” – my go-to guy. I need to rely on my Only One – my Always Near.
It’s time to break-up with Loneliness for good. Not just at parties, during holidays or weekends with nothing planned. Because truth is, Loneliness also courts my friends who are married, have children and all that I long for. Loneliness tags along whether alone or surrounded by family and friends, on special days and ordinary days.
There’s only one way to keep Loneliness from being a constant companion in life. I must fix my eyes “ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare” of feeling alone. I need to invite Him to attend the lonely times with me, and hold my hand, keeping me company with the truth that He is always by my side.
And the next party I’m invited to? I won’t go all by myself. Instead I’ll invite the Lord as my “Plus One.”
Dear Lord, my eyes are ever on You, for only You will release my feet from the snare. Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Application Steps:
The next time you start feeling lonely, pray this prayer: “My eyes are ever on You LORD, for only You will release my feet from the snare. Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish.” Psalm 25:15-17 (NIV)
A teardrop on earth summons the King of Heaven. ~Charles Swindoll
Power Verses:
Deuteronomy 31:8, “‘The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.’” (NIV 1984)
Lamentations 3:22-26, “Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.’ The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.” (NIV 1984)
© 2011 by Samantha Reed. All rights reserved.
(& i'm sorry there are no pictures in this post --- blogger isn't letting me upload tonight either ......last night, no problem, night before & tonight, problem....????!!!!)
anyhow........this has been on my mind...................
i've been living with someone & he's not good for me. (i'll bet THAT got your attention!!!)
i need to kick him out. i keep trying, but he either won't go or he leaves for a short time & then comes back.
tuesday morning on the way to work i was talking to God about it. how i just can't take it anymore. tuesday night i was praying to God about it. telling Him i was having a really hard time with it. and it's christmas time now & that makes it worse.
part of me wants to let him stay until the new year - it's only 1 week away afterall. that would give me time to get all his junk out. the other part of me says, NO - GO & GO NOW!
and then i got up yesterday & he was still here. i heard something on the radio--someone has been praying for the same thing i've been praying for, only her prayer was answered very quickly after she started praying it & mine has still not been answered & it made me mad & jealous & envious & i wanted to yell at him & tell him i was sick of him (but suzanne & sarah were in the other room & i didn't want to cause a scene).
i got ready for work quickly & had time to turn on the computer. i specifically had an urge to read my p31w devotional before i got to work. (i usually don't turn the computer on in the morning at home.) i think that was God leading me.....
i read the first few lines & i knew she was talking about the man in my life.
the "man" in my life is Loneliness. he's with me all the time. i try really hard to hide him from others. i can be in a crowd of 4, 10, 25, or 100's of people & he's right there with me. just this past weekend after the christmas dinner at church i was driving home thinking about "him"--how i had just spent 4 hours with lots of people - people i love & who i'm sure love me (at least i hope so, but sometimes i wonder!!) - & felt like i was on an island all by myself. everyone "had" someone. everyone was talking to someone. i was busy. i had no one & wasn't really talking to anyone. oh, i talked to people, but it was empty talk. at least i felt that way. because "he" made me feel that way.
something a friend wrote in a birthday card to me this year actually made me cry. she wrote: "you always cheer me & everyone with your Godly sweet attitude - many times you're hurting inside, yet hide it well." i must have cried for 5 minutes after reading that, because it's true.
so this "man" has got to leave my life, leave my house, leave me, leave me alone!!!!! satan has got to realize that i belong to Jesus & there's no room for the 3 of us here!!! he's gonna try to stick around. he's gonna hang out outside my doors & windows & try to get in. but i've gotta trust Jesus & know that HE is stronger than him. i've gotta focus on God, but i'm still gonna continue to pray for what i've been praying for. look how long abraham waited for a son. look how long the israelites wandered in the wilderness. and there are many more examples of people who patiently waited for God to act. and God always did.
i just don't want to wait 40 years, God!
so loneliness needs to take a hike & take his friends "envy" & "jealousy" with him!!
here's the devotional, in case you want to read it...................
December 21, 2011
All By Myself
Samantha Reed
“My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare. Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.” Psalm 25:15-16 (NIV)
Don’t look his way, my heart and mind insist. I don’t want to look. Then again, I do. Though I did not check the “Plus One” box on my RSVP card, I wish I had. I wish I hadn’t come alone. Maybe then I wouldn’t gravitate to him.
He’s reckless and destructive. I know better, but he’s the only one who can relate to me. Even so, I avoid eye contact; I must trick him to believe she doesn’t need me anymore. I succeed, until another joined-at-the-hip couple walks into the holiday party. My resolve walks out. He walks up to me, extends a knowing hand. Fingers entwine, I fall in his snare. My stomach lurches. I hate him. I hate Loneliness.
I hate feeling alone and attending life all by myself. We float from couple to couple. Each marriage, baby, holiday, life-is-grand story runs together like mud. The mud Loneliness slings my way: You’ll never have this. You’ll be lonely forever. I can’t look at their joy. Instead I turn my eyes to him as I mutter repeatedly through my clinched jaw and cinched heart: Do. Not. Cry.
A deep breath holds back the lonely tears, the lonely years, the lonely fears.
His cruelty seeps in my pores as we make our way from conversation to conversation. Christmas carols in the background promise it’s the best time of the year and tell tales of sleigh rides taken with loved ones. Lovely sentiments, but they make me feel even more alone in a crowded room. How can two hours feel like thirty years?
By the time the clock chimes an acceptable hour to bid my goodbyes, I’m eager to be gone. One step out the door and I lower my guard too soon. Loneliness has saved his best for last. Powerfully, he beats me down with lies until I believe: I will always be all-by-myself.
Then Loneliness walks off; leaves me there, ironically, alone.
Compassionately, a different hand reaches down. One that is gentle and healing. Let me help you up. Rough night, huh? I look up to see His scared hand extended. How’d You know I was here? He tells me He’s been there the whole time, always near. And even though He knows, He asks for details, dreams, despairs. We talk until I can hear His assurances over the barrage of Loneliness’ discouragement.
Hollow parts of my heart fill with the lavish warmth of Jesus’ courage. Truth soldiers through my thoughts, throwing shields up against the deception. And I know Loneliness can’t be my “Plus One” – my go-to guy. I need to rely on my Only One – my Always Near.
It’s time to break-up with Loneliness for good. Not just at parties, during holidays or weekends with nothing planned. Because truth is, Loneliness also courts my friends who are married, have children and all that I long for. Loneliness tags along whether alone or surrounded by family and friends, on special days and ordinary days.
There’s only one way to keep Loneliness from being a constant companion in life. I must fix my eyes “ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare” of feeling alone. I need to invite Him to attend the lonely times with me, and hold my hand, keeping me company with the truth that He is always by my side.
And the next party I’m invited to? I won’t go all by myself. Instead I’ll invite the Lord as my “Plus One.”
Dear Lord, my eyes are ever on You, for only You will release my feet from the snare. Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Application Steps:
The next time you start feeling lonely, pray this prayer: “My eyes are ever on You LORD, for only You will release my feet from the snare. Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish.” Psalm 25:15-17 (NIV)
A teardrop on earth summons the King of Heaven. ~Charles Swindoll
Power Verses:
Deuteronomy 31:8, “‘The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.’” (NIV 1984)
Lamentations 3:22-26, “Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.’ The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.” (NIV 1984)
© 2011 by Samantha Reed. All rights reserved.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
still not in the mood, but......
i'm gonna do it anyway!!!
(i had started another post for tonight, but this one needs to come 1st!)
tonight at prayer meeting i said that i wasn't in the mood to sew. i wasn't in the mood to bake. i'm not in the mood for gifts. i just want christmas to be Jesus.
a very wise 87 year old lady said, "dear, you just need to bake christmas cookies. Jesus is blessed when you give christmas cookies to others."
well, if miss amy says to do it, i've gotta do it!!!!
so i came home from prayer meeting & immediately mixed up a double batch of my mom's christmas cut out cookies. the dough has to be refrigerated overnight, so i'll bake them tomorrow night when i get home from work.
and i will give people christmas cookies.
and not only will Jesus be blessed, but i'm sure i will be too!
and sometime between now & whenever i'm going to make walnut bread!
i don't understand how my mom ever did all the things she did..................& i probably never will.
stay tuned for tomorrow's's gonna be a "good one". a real shocker - but this blog is like therapy & it's something i've gotta do!!!
be a blessing!!!! make some cookies!!!!
(i had started another post for tonight, but this one needs to come 1st!)
tonight at prayer meeting i said that i wasn't in the mood to sew. i wasn't in the mood to bake. i'm not in the mood for gifts. i just want christmas to be Jesus.
a very wise 87 year old lady said, "dear, you just need to bake christmas cookies. Jesus is blessed when you give christmas cookies to others."
well, if miss amy says to do it, i've gotta do it!!!!
so i came home from prayer meeting & immediately mixed up a double batch of my mom's christmas cut out cookies. the dough has to be refrigerated overnight, so i'll bake them tomorrow night when i get home from work.
and i will give people christmas cookies.
and not only will Jesus be blessed, but i'm sure i will be too!
and sometime between now & whenever i'm going to make walnut bread!
i don't understand how my mom ever did all the things she did..................& i probably never will.
stay tuned for tomorrow's's gonna be a "good one". a real shocker - but this blog is like therapy & it's something i've gotta do!!!
be a blessing!!!! make some cookies!!!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
i'm not in the mood!
i'm not in the mood to sew.
i'm not in the mood to bake.
i'm never in the mood to shop.
i've tried to make 2 christmas presents. i'm not in the mood to sew & i've dropped 2 of the other things & broke them. one of the things i got to make one of the gifts doesn't work for the intentions that i had. 1 hour in walmart & $10 down the drain!
i'm just not in the mood.
and i have no pictures to post here. not in the mood to do anything about it either!
i'm just not in the mood for anything!
can we just skip to dec. 26?
i'm going to bed!
i'm not in the mood to bake.
i'm never in the mood to shop.
i've tried to make 2 christmas presents. i'm not in the mood to sew & i've dropped 2 of the other things & broke them. one of the things i got to make one of the gifts doesn't work for the intentions that i had. 1 hour in walmart & $10 down the drain!
i'm just not in the mood.
and i have no pictures to post here. not in the mood to do anything about it either!
i'm just not in the mood for anything!
can we just skip to dec. 26?
i'm going to bed!
Monday, December 19, 2011
i've figured out my "word for 2012"!!
i've been trying to think of my "word for 2012" for the past week or so. many people choose a "word for the year" -- one that they can contemplate on, one that supposedly they want to try to "be more of" that year, one that will encourage them to be a better person. it's sort of like a new year's resolution, but not really!! .......many words have come to mind, but they just weren't "doin' it" for me.......i was thinking about it this morning while driving to work & came up with it. i thought of a good word!!! then when i got to work & read the last couple days worth of P31woman devotionals (i'm a little behind on them right now), that sealed it! they fit my "word" just perfectly!!!!
my word for 2012 is "time."
time for friendships.
time for God.
i've noticed - & it bugs me - that i sometimes don't take enough time for people. i am sometimes so busy that i don't have conversations with people.
i just talk to them. quickly. and sometimes i leave them standing & i disappear, off to do something else. i did that to someone yesterday morning at church & i feel really bad about it.
then afterwards i think "what did i say to ____?" "i barely said anything at all to ____. " & i think of 100 things i could have said to them, things i wish i had said. & then i'll "play out" the conversation in my head & have a really good time with "them"! or i think "gosh, i only spent 14 seconds talking to ____ & then i moved on to something else. why didn't i spend more time with ___ before i left ____ to go talk to _____ for 10.3 seconds?" but more importantly -- what did the person i was "talking" to think when i just left ???
if you are one of the people that i have "talked" to for 17.8 seconds or less & then i've left you standing wondering where i flittered off to, i am sorry. i apologize. i WANT to talk to you. i WANT to have a real conversation with you. i WANT to spend TIME with you.
and then there's God.
i NEED more time with Him. i've really been convicted about the time i spend with Him. or rather the little time i spend. i NEED to make my TIME with Him a priority.
dr. shockley's sermon series the last 3 weeks has been on how to love God. one of the ways to love God is to spend time with Him. i need to love God more. i need to not worry about so many other things that i'm neglecting Him.
God needs my time, not my busyness.
so my word for 2012 is TIME.
i will devote more time to God, more time to relationships, friendships, & conversations. more time to you.
thanks for being a part of my life. thanks for blessing me!
(edited to add: for some strange reason, blogger would only "let" me upload this one photo----all the others took forever (or else didn't load) & then they were just a blank square! sorry, from here on out, no pretty pictures, just me talking.
and now that i think about it, that's exactly what this post is about!!!!!!
ha! how perfect!!! lesson learned!!!!)
time for friendships.
time for God.
i've noticed - & it bugs me - that i sometimes don't take enough time for people. i am sometimes so busy that i don't have conversations with people.
i just talk to them. quickly. and sometimes i leave them standing & i disappear, off to do something else. i did that to someone yesterday morning at church & i feel really bad about it.
then afterwards i think "what did i say to ____?" "i barely said anything at all to ____. " & i think of 100 things i could have said to them, things i wish i had said. & then i'll "play out" the conversation in my head & have a really good time with "them"! or i think "gosh, i only spent 14 seconds talking to ____ & then i moved on to something else. why didn't i spend more time with ___ before i left ____ to go talk to _____ for 10.3 seconds?" but more importantly -- what did the person i was "talking" to think when i just left ???
if you are one of the people that i have "talked" to for 17.8 seconds or less & then i've left you standing wondering where i flittered off to, i am sorry. i apologize. i WANT to talk to you. i WANT to have a real conversation with you. i WANT to spend TIME with you.
and then there's God.
i NEED more time with Him. i've really been convicted about the time i spend with Him. or rather the little time i spend. i NEED to make my TIME with Him a priority.
dr. shockley's sermon series the last 3 weeks has been on how to love God. one of the ways to love God is to spend time with Him. i need to love God more. i need to not worry about so many other things that i'm neglecting Him.
God needs my time, not my busyness.
- does God care that there are no dirty dishes in the sink before i go to bed, before i read His word, before i talk to Him or would He rather have 10 more minutes with me??
- is it more important for me to jump up out of bed & go about my day or should i spend time with God first, seeing what He has in store for me that day?
- instead of rushing to the computer when i get home to see what everyone has posted on facebook, shouldn't i be rushing to my chair to pick up my Bible to see what He has to say, or pray & pour out my heart to Him & talk to Him?? shouldn't i be spending TIME with Him???
so my word for 2012 is TIME.
i will devote more time to God, more time to relationships, friendships, & conversations. more time to you.
thanks for being a part of my life. thanks for blessing me!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
more nativities
here are a couple very special nativities.....
this one is a lighted shadow box nativity that was given to me by my friend michelle when she worked for me at the bookstore.
she & i had gone shopping together, i saw it & thought it was fantastic --- but too expensive, so i didn't get it.
well, a few days later, michelle hands me a huge box............
she had gone back to the store alone & bought me the nativity!!! i tried to refuse it, saying it cost wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to much but she said it gave her great pleasure giving it to me. true sacrificial love & giving!!!
exactly what we should have everyday. that's why i keep this nativity out every day of the year. in fact, it's on the computer desk where it reminds me every day of God's sacrifical love for us. (& it reminds me of michelle too since she lives far away in wyoming now!)
this next one has a funny story!!!
this is a christmas card from some "friends" that i don't even remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think they were in one of our sunday school classes wayyyyyyyyyyyyy back even before suzanne was born --no! i remember now!!! she was a fellow stampin'up! demonstrator in the group i used to be in! in fact, she "gave" me a bunch of her customers when her family moved!!!! some of those customers have become VERY good friends!!!!! (isn't it funny that she'd give me a "store bought" card instead of a SU hand-stamped card?!?!?!?!!!!) (but that's NOT the funny story!!!!)
every year, i place this card on my counter.
it's not "just a christmas card" - it's a very special one!!!!!
i usually keep most of the christmas cards people send & this one was in "the stash."
notice the signature is scratched out.................
a little girl who was in 1st or 2nd grade took the card, scratched out the signature with a pencil, glued a piece of construction paper to the back of the card, drew some cute little ornaments............

and wrote the following letter:
such big words for such a little girl!!!!
and i LOVE how she signed it!!!!!!
so glad she clarified who that was!!!!! i wouldn't want to confuse her with ALL the OTHER suzanne's i know!!!!!!
i can't remember if that year i had a "triumphant" christmas!!! i'm sure it was joyful & happy though!!!!!!
the definition of triumphant is: "victorious, successful; rejoicing over victory or success, splendid, magnificent."
you know, come to think of it, every christmas SHOULD be triumphant!!! after all, Jesus was born to save us from our sins, from the punishment that we are all so due. we should be triumphant!!! He is victorious over sin! He is splendid & magnificent!!!!! HE IS TRIUMPHANT!!!!
yes, in the words of that precious little girl, suzanne (my daughter), i pray y'all have a joyful, triumphant, happy christmas!!!!!
and be blessed while you're at it!!!!!
this one is a lighted shadow box nativity that was given to me by my friend michelle when she worked for me at the bookstore.
she & i had gone shopping together, i saw it & thought it was fantastic --- but too expensive, so i didn't get it.
well, a few days later, michelle hands me a huge box............
she had gone back to the store alone & bought me the nativity!!! i tried to refuse it, saying it cost wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to much but she said it gave her great pleasure giving it to me. true sacrificial love & giving!!!
exactly what we should have everyday. that's why i keep this nativity out every day of the year. in fact, it's on the computer desk where it reminds me every day of God's sacrifical love for us. (& it reminds me of michelle too since she lives far away in wyoming now!)
this next one has a funny story!!!
this is a christmas card from some "friends" that i don't even remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think they were in one of our sunday school classes wayyyyyyyyyyyyy back even before suzanne was born --no! i remember now!!! she was a fellow stampin'up! demonstrator in the group i used to be in! in fact, she "gave" me a bunch of her customers when her family moved!!!! some of those customers have become VERY good friends!!!!! (isn't it funny that she'd give me a "store bought" card instead of a SU hand-stamped card?!?!?!?!!!!) (but that's NOT the funny story!!!!)
every year, i place this card on my counter.
it's not "just a christmas card" - it's a very special one!!!!!
i usually keep most of the christmas cards people send & this one was in "the stash."
notice the signature is scratched out.................
a little girl who was in 1st or 2nd grade took the card, scratched out the signature with a pencil, glued a piece of construction paper to the back of the card, drew some cute little ornaments............
and wrote the following letter:
and i LOVE how she signed it!!!!!!
so glad she clarified who that was!!!!! i wouldn't want to confuse her with ALL the OTHER suzanne's i know!!!!!!
the definition of triumphant is: "victorious, successful; rejoicing over victory or success, splendid, magnificent."
you know, come to think of it, every christmas SHOULD be triumphant!!! after all, Jesus was born to save us from our sins, from the punishment that we are all so due. we should be triumphant!!! He is victorious over sin! He is splendid & magnificent!!!!! HE IS TRIUMPHANT!!!!
yes, in the words of that precious little girl, suzanne (my daughter), i pray y'all have a joyful, triumphant, happy christmas!!!!!
and be blessed while you're at it!!!!!
1 week before christmas....
and am i ready? no.
i've got 2 hours to sew before i have to leave for the christmas program at church ....i'd better get with it!!!
but 1st i just had to share this.................

be back later --------------this morning at church was such a blessing!!!! have a fantastic sunday afternoon...................
i've got 2 hours to sew before i have to leave for the christmas program at church ....i'd better get with it!!!
but 1st i just had to share this.................

be back later --------------this morning at church was such a blessing!!!! have a fantastic sunday afternoon...................
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
finally!!! i'm going to show you the kitchen remodel!!!!!!!!!
the walls & wood work won't be painted til after christmas & i'm just dying to show you the pictures of the kitchen. & you've been waiting for a long long time!!!! today i put up the curtain rods, curtains, & things on the walls. i wanted everything to look nice for christmas!!
i'm so excited about this!!!!!! it is such a big change!!!! such a good change!!!!!!
it all started with this:
i was in the mood for a project so one friday evening i painted my bookshelf black. which led to painting both bathroom vanities, a picture frame, a shelf, the bed, the desk, the dresser, the chair, and then the kitchen cabinets!!!!!!!
all with this:
21 years of wear & tear!!!!!
after being sanded:
after the wallpaper was down:
i lived with the walls looking like this for several weeks!!!!!
AND NOW!!!!!!:
pantry door needs to be re-finished. i have BIG plans for it!!!!! but it's a surprise!!!! woodwork still needs to be painted & the walls are newly plastered & need to be painted.
the kickboard at the bottom of the counters needs to be painted still. i will get around to that soon. it bugs me - my eyes go directly there every time i walk in the room!!!! i'm sure no one else ever looks there!!! i painted the ones in the bathrooms & NEVER look at THEM!!! hopefully once these are painted i won't look at them either!!!!
my favorite cupboard - the chicken wire fronted mason jar glasses cupboard!!!!
i kept the cow border. i love my cows!!!!!
i accidentally hung the curtain rod just a little tiny bit too high. i
i had plans to paint the countertops with this special countertop refinisher paint. i already bought it about a year ago before i had decided to paint the cabinets black. the color i chose was "granite" which is a dark grey. now i'm not so sure!!!!! i'm worried that the dark grey won't look good with this black. that's why i decided to take down the dark green wallpaper & paint the walls white. i really need to refinish the countertops. after 21 years, they're not in bad shape, but not as good as i'd like them either!!! and i don't have the $$ to get new ones. i'd really like to have beadboard backsplash, but the existing laminate is all one piece & curves at the wall. there might be a way to do it. i'm not sure - i'll have to figure it out!!!
& now i'm starting to like how the cream countertops look with the black cabinets!!!
i love my big "garden window"!!
i've used lots of my mom's old linens on the tops of the cabinets & fridge. i love the "country" look it gives the room!!
(that sign is so true!!!!!!!!!!) (& i'm a pretty good cook!!!! ha ha ha!!!!)
these are all "family heirlooms" -- grandma's old silverware, iron, grinder, coffee pot with utensils. saved them from my parent's attic before the fire.
i love my knobs & drawer pulls so much more against the black now!!
& i distressed the edges of the cabinets & it!!!!!!! love it, love it!!!!!!!!
my favorite!!!!!!!
i'd love to find an old wooden screen door for the pantry!!!!!!!
i just LOVE this kitchen now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(in a future post, i'll tell you a funny story about that mistletoe!!!!!!!)
hope you've enjoyed this makeover as much as i have!!!!! now i've gotta find me a new project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
read about the bed & dresser reveal here:
be blessed!!!!! (oh my goodness! i've had so much fun - it doesn't feel like 11:35pm!!!!!!)
linking to:
not just a house wife best project contest
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savvy southern style - wow us wednesday #46 "favorites of 2011"
savvy southern style - wow us wednesday's #44
at the picket fence <center><a href=""><img src=""/><br /> </a></center><br /> <br />
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